Company News

hepster receives "German Fairness Award 2021"

The Rostock-based InsurTech hepster receives an award in the mobile phone and electronics insurance category this year.
Published 22 Oct 2021
hepster Deutscher Fairness-Preis 2021

Rostock, 22.10.2021 - "We always design our insurance policies fairly": Rostock-based InsurTech hepster is one of the top 3 winners of the "German Fairness Award" and this year receives an award in the mobile phone and electronics insurance category. In total, more than 830 companies were assessed by consumers in 61 categories. hepster was already among the top 3 in this category in 2019.

Customer satisfaction through fairness

Together with the news channel ntv, the German Institute for Service Quality (DISQ) is once again awarding the "German Fairness Prize". This year's comprehensive survey once again focuses on factors that characterise a fair company for German consumers. The companies were identified as part of an extensive consumer survey representative of the population. More than 63,500 customer voted for 830 companies from Germany were analysed in 61 categories. The companies named were analysed in particular in terms of value for money, reliability, transparency and recommendation. InsurTech hepster is once again among this year's award winners in the mobile phone & electronics insurance category.

hepster: "We always design our products fairly"

In 2019, hepster was already one of the top 3 winners in the "Mobile phone & electronics insurance" category. The Rostock-based company has now secured 1st place in the reliability category with an overall score of 75.5 points out of a total of 12 insurance providers.

"We always design our products fairly and always have our customers' needs in mind," says Christian Range, CEO and co-founder of hepster. "The fact that we are among the winners of this year's "German Fairness Award" shows us that we are on the right track with our approach of understanding and developing digital insurance as part of a holistic customer experience. For hepster, the award and the customers' assessment are the results of an extremely strong team performance by our entire company. "

hepster develops its digital insurance solutions using an API-driven platform under the "embedded insurance" approach. With this approach, hepster wants to reshape the development of insurance and enable its customers to easily obtain and manage needs-based and customised solutions exactly as they need them.

The award winners were announced via ntv and DISQ on 21 October 2021, including a TV report on ntv. All information on the award winners in all categories:

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