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Electronics insurance for educational institutions

Digitization in schools: hepster creates an exclusive offer to protect modern electronic devices
Published 12 Aug 2021
PR Digitization in schools - electronic insurances

Rostock, August 12, 2021 - The topic of digitization in schools is once again in focus at the start of the new school year. With the "DigitalPakt Schule" the federal and state governments want to push this forward. The Rostock InsurTech hepster also supports schools in their digitization strategy and has developed an exclusive insurance package for this purpose. Education providers who want to equip their schools and classrooms with electronic devices can benefit from the strong hepster electronics insurance. The offer is also aimed at institutions and initiatives that support schools on the "DigitalPakt" and electronic equipment.

"DigitalPakt Schule": Support worth billions for German schools

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) launched the "DigitalPakt Schule" in 2019 to support the federal states and their communities in expanding their digital infrastructure. By the end of 2024, 5 billion euros are to flow into the digitization of schools and classrooms. The corona pandemic is also driving this development, so that a further 1.5 billion euros were approved in 2020. Against the background of the necessary school closures, the additional funds should enable the rapid provision of mobile devices for students and teachers.

But the around 40,000 schools and more than 11 million students are not completely free to use the funds. Mobile end devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops may only make up a certain proportion. Applications for funding must be submitted to the respective school authorities in the federal state. A holistic media-pedagogical learning concept must also be presented for this purpose. However, many schools and teachers lack their own media skills and the capacity to set up such a sustainable concept.

In order to support school authorities and teachers with these applications and pedagogical concepts, individual initiatives and institutions have been founded in various federal states to support schools and communities around the "DigitalPakt Schule", the digital classroom and funding applications. This also applies to institutions such as the Digital Innovation Center Rostock, DIZ for short, from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, which provides information on funding opportunities for digital equipment.

Tablet, beamer, whiteboards, VR glasses and Co. - directly with the right hepster insurance

The digital insurer hepster offers schools and educational institutions a customizable insurance package for their digital classrooms. "Against the background of growing demand, we have developed a special insurance offer that is aimed in particular at school authorities and institutions and flexibly covers almost all modern electronic devices," says Alexander Hornung, CPO and co-founder of hepster, about the new offer. "When we developed the product, we focused on the needs of schools, teachers and students, creating an insurance that can be easily adapted for purchased, leased, rented and borrowed devices."

The basis is electronics insurance, which easily covers a large number of different devices up to a value of 20,000 euros. The advantage: With hepster, tablets, laptops, printers, beamers as well as whiteboards or microphones, VR glasses, including accessories can be secured at favorable conditions. hepster electronics insurance offers comprehensive protection against damage and destruction as well as theft and has flexible tariffs and terms. Schools and municipalities can also insure larger numbers of their digital equipment with hepster.

"We don't just want to show schools and educational institutions how simple and transparent our insurance solutions are," adds Alexander Hornung. "For example, our electronics insurance can also be easily integrated into the existing offers of digitization initiatives and institutions such as the DIZ Rostock." hepster has already successfully implemented this approach of "embedded insurance" in other sectors, such as integration into bicycle rentals - or sharing services.

Why the right security is also so important for digital classrooms

Especially those who invest extensively in the digital equipment of their classrooms and schools should not neglect the right security. Damage to the sensitive electronics can quickly occur, which impairs use or makes it impossible. Whether due to operating errors, short circuits, spilled drinks or careless movements - the teacher's laptop has a cracked screen, the smartboard has a short circuit due to water damage and the document camera has a defective memory. The consequences are high costs for the repair or new purchase of the device as well as lengthy bureaucracy. With its electronics insurance, hepster wants to protect schools, teachers, parents and students from the financial consequences of such damage.

Students and teachers can thus enjoy the advantages of tablets and laptops for their everyday teaching with the strong protection of hepster - without having to worry about the financial consequences of damage or theft. There is no additional work for the schools. The insurance contracts for the devices can be easily managed in the hepster partner portal and damage can be reported in just a few steps.

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