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InsurTech hepster develops SaaS platform for insurance broker Ecclesia

hepster announces its cooperation with Germany's largest insurance broker for companies and institutions, the Ecclesia Group.
Published 01 Sep 2022
hepster x Ecclesia

Rostock, 1.09.2022: The insurance start-up hepster announces its cooperation with Germany's largest insurance broker for companies and institutions, the Ecclesia Group. hepster has developed a digital platform on which the Ecclesia Group can provide and process travel insurance products for its customers. The cooperation is to be expanded.

For hepster, the cooperation with Ecclesia strengthens the second main pillar of the Rostock-based InsurTech's offering. In addition to the company's own customised insurance products, which are sold in the web shop or via partners, the cooperation underlines another forward-looking area of expertise: the provision of software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions for players in the insurance industry. In this way, hepster offers industry players the opportunity to digitalise their sales, booking and claims processes, making them more efficient, faster and simpler.

Martin Lichtwark, Head of IT Operations at hepster, comments on the partnership: "With our customer and pilot partner Ecclesia, we have taken a new, very significant step into the SaaS world - with benefits for both sides: We draw extensive synergies from our expertise in the digital handling of all insurance processes. Ecclesia saves an enormous amount of time and resources with our software and technology. With great success - which is why we are already working on follow-up projects."

The digital portal from hepster currently comprises ten insurance products from various lines of business, including pricing. In addition, all steps such as booking, insurance status or cancellation can be managed on the platform. At the same time, contracts and documents such as certificates, invoices, general terms and conditions, product information sheets and cancellation policies can be organised efficiently. A complete checkout process as well as claims reporting and contact options round off the SaaS platform's extensive portfolio.

Uwe Hingst, member of the Ecclesia Group's management board: "One of the key reasons for working with hepster was that the company itself has extensive experience in the insurance industry and therefore knows what is important in terms of content and legal aspects of such a solution. Together, we want to provide our customers with the best possible protection against damage. That is why we place customer benefit and competitiveness at the centre of all our decisions. With the development of our digital travel insurance portal, we are pursuing the goal of providing our customers with the best possible benefits."

Project manager Nina Schaefer adds: "Our customers benefit from the online portal developed with hepster in two ways. For all standard travel insurance policies, they now receive all relevant information clearly displayed with just one click and can conveniently take out insurance cover at any time of day. For many of our customers - especially in the social economy and church institutions - organising travel insurance cover is not part of their main business. As Germany's largest insurance broker, we therefore attach great importance to an uncomplicated, simple solution - such as the one hepster has developed with us. At the same time, this gives us significantly more opportunities to advise those who need our expertise for larger projects or individual issues."

The cooperation with Ecclesia is an important step for hepster in the development of white label SaaS solutions, enabling the InsurTech's partners to combine the innovative solutions with their own products, layout and logo. hepster and Ecclesia are already working on expanding their collaboration: the next step will be to comprehensively develop the functions for Ecclesia. These include optimisations in form design, billing, claims development through the expansion of configuration options and innovations in product design. The aim of the next cooperation phase with Ecclesia is to handle insurance policies and their processes completely digitally and with hepster software.

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