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hepster launches unique product package with electronics leasing insurance

Leased electronic devices can be comprehensively insured against damage, theft and default on installments with the new insurance package from hepster.
Published 18 Apr 2024
hepster PM Elektronics Leasing

Rostock, April 18, 2024. hepster introduces its new electronics leasing insurance, providing comprehensive protection for companies leasing electronic devices.

hepster's electronics leasing insurance covers electronic devices throughout the entire leasing period, regardless of whether it lasts for 12, 24, 36, or 48 months. The tariff options are divided into Basic, Premium, and Superior, differing in coverage. Also included are GAP coverage and a variety of protection services, such as coverage against drop, breakage, and sand damage, theft, robbery, and looting, as well as damage from operator error and mechanical force. From the Premium tariff onwards, battery wear and weather influences are also covered.

The new installment protection takes over the open leasing instalments in case of disability, death, termination, or parental leave. The coverage is available in two versions: classic with a waiting period of three months and a grace period of one month, or completely without waiting and grace periods.

"Our new offering in electronics leasing is a unique product package providing companies with comprehensive protection for their leased electronic devices," says Alexander Hornung, CPO and Co-Founder of hepster. "With various tariff options and additional modules, our customers tailor their own insurance package and benefit from optimal protection."

The advantage of the new electronics leasing insurance is that the devices themselves are insured, and costs arising from damage to the technology itself are covered. Thus, in the event of complete damage, replacement devices can be quickly procured through manufacturers or specialist companies, without high acquisition costs.

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